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Conversations With a Wounded Healer

Who’s a wounded healer? It’s any one of us who works in a caring profession and is bravely doing their own work, while helping others. My goal is to share the parallel journey we as healers walk along with our clients and how we attend to our own humanity while caring for others.

My podcast is about conversations and community building, what we can learn from each other, and how we can help heal each other. We’re cultivating a space where we celebrate vulnerability, authenticity and “showing up.”

It’s a place to meet people I think will inspire you, help you heal and grow – and who you can relate to at the same time.

I’m inspired by C.G. Jung’s “wounded healer” concept, where the healer’s own hurt that gives the measure of his own power to heal.

Another one of my heroes, Brené Brown, puts it best: “Mindfully practicing authenticity during our most soul-searching struggles is how we invite grace, joy and gratitude into our lives.”

Together, I hope this marriage of vulnerability and professionalism will inspire and entertain you...enjoy!


Mar 22, 2023

True confession time. I have, on occasion, found myself getting comfy with a rote response to the world’s -isms (capitalism, racism, ableism) and villainous influences (patriarchy and white supremacy). "I know" these ills deeply affect me, personally and professionally. "I know" what my responsibility is in challenging those forces and creating an equitable world. 

“I know” is a sign that I’ve grown too accustomed to my own answers. You know? Hurrah for Loretta Pyles, Ph.D.! Her writing forced a hard reboot of my "I know" attitude, flipping what had become automatic over to active and embodied. Loretta advocates for continual self-inquiry as critical to professional growth. She’s dedicated her career to helping folks resuscitate the connections they’ve been conditioned to ignore: heart-mind, community, and nature.


Loretta Pyles, Ph.D., is Professor at the School of Social Welfare, University at Albany, SUNY. Her work centers on environmental disasters, racial/economic/gender justice, integrative healing, and human rewilding. She is the author of Progressive Community Organizing: Transformative Practice in a Globalizing World, 3rd ed. and Healing Justice: Holistic Self-Care for Change Makers. When she's not teaching or working on her new book on rewilding, she can be found playing outside or camping in her Volkswagen van.

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…



