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Conversations With a Wounded Healer

Who’s a wounded healer? It’s any one of us who works in a caring profession and is bravely doing their own work, while helping others. My goal is to share the parallel journey we as healers walk along with our clients and how we attend to our own humanity while caring for others.

My podcast is about conversations and community building, what we can learn from each other, and how we can help heal each other. We’re cultivating a space where we celebrate vulnerability, authenticity and “showing up.”

It’s a place to meet people I think will inspire you, help you heal and grow – and who you can relate to at the same time.

I’m inspired by C.G. Jung’s “wounded healer” concept, where the healer’s own hurt that gives the measure of his own power to heal.

Another one of my heroes, Brené Brown, puts it best: “Mindfully practicing authenticity during our most soul-searching struggles is how we invite grace, joy and gratitude into our lives.”

Together, I hope this marriage of vulnerability and professionalism will inspire and entertain you...enjoy!


Apr 7, 2021

“I really thought, like, if people have the choice to choose what they pay, they're going to undervalue me, and I was so sure that everybody would pick the lower fees. I'm making more money than I've ever made!” ~ Celeste Meyer

Celeste Meyer has created something folks on this planet need to see more examples of - a pretty yummy, juicy life for herself and those with whom she’s in alliance. From friends to clients to partners, this fat-bodied, South Asian queer woman has molded her professional and personal spaces into shapes that defy confinement. She rejects the rigidity of white supremacy’s boxes - and she’s doing very well outside of them, thankyouverymuch.

Predominately centered on BIPOC, queer, trans, and fat clients, Celeste’s practice is where intersectionality - and the wounds so often heaped on top of those instances of confluence - is given its proper due. You’ll recognize the phrase liberation-focused therapy from previous episodes. At a macro level, it’s a framework that offers empowerment and healing in aid of communities most neglected by mainstream mental health services. 

We even had time to unpack the healer and wounded healer questions - diving into issues of appropriation, the divine feminine, the seasonality of life, the Farmers Almanac (true story!). Celeste said it best: “I get to have cycles within me of blooming and conserving energy, being, you know, blossoming and ready to connect with all the plants around me - or being the one with one little leaf. I get to be all of them!”


Celeste Meyer is a self-identified Brown Fat Femme who lives, loves, and works on unceded Muskoke/Creek territory known as Atlanta, Georgia. In her private practice, she predominantly sees BIPOC, queer, trans, and fat clients as they heal from trauma and focus on liberation through connection and somatic-based therapy.

For full show notes, resources, and links to connect with our guest, visit:


You’re invited to Head/Heart Conversations, our webinar series designed for psychotherapists who want to invite their inner healer to the forefront of both work life and personal life. In this four-part series, we will invite participants to learn about themselves as well as enhance their clinical skills.

Details & Registration:

Promo Code for $20 off: podcast

Friday, May 7, 2021 - Trauma from the Individual to the Collective by Rayell Grayson, LCPC, CADC and Sarah Buino, LCSW, RDDP, CADC, CDWF

Friday, September 17, 2021 - Body Language by Joanna Taubeneck, LCPC, R-DMT, GL-CMA, E-RYT

Friday, November 19, 2021 - Queering our Conversations by Benji Marton, LCSW


Conversations with a Wounded Healer is a proud member of @mhnrnetwork.

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places...






